I get that I'm pretty (or can be), but it's a total Sandra Dee, girl-next-door, girl scout cookie type of pretty. I will never be all darkly sexy and dangerous. One thing I ain't got is smoulder. Got lots of sunshine-y wholesomeness, but not one drop of smoulder.
Teppy have you seen you?
I'm not bagging on me; just -- I know my strong points, and some people like the St. Pauli Girl look, is all. Theda Bara I ain't.
I think there are moments, Tep. Which is all I ever have either, except for the fact if I ever have a nasty thought I might as well take out an ad, for it's all over my face.
I don't understand how come your DH is so invested in the softball.
Gud, I don't know either. At first it seemed to be because she has a rare blood disease and went through some major medical stuff when she was 2.5 and seeing her run and play means she came through that with flying colors. But it has morphed into an obsession with him.
The odd thing is that our son had spinal surgery when he was 4 months old and we didn't even know if he would walk. He plays ball too - but DH has not obsessed over his play (yet).
Dallas, you dirty girl.
Gud, way to go. What a relief. And vindication.
We dyed my sister's hair black for halloween last year or the year before, and it looked surprisingly good, so I suspect I could work it.
Yikes, you've been through a lot of medical stress with your kids SuziQ.
I'm not bagging on me; just -- I know my strong points, and some people like the St. Pauli Girl look, is all. Theda Bara I ain't.
And, I am not trying to feed your ego, but you can do smoldering quite well.
Suzi, maybe hubby feels like he can bond over softball with K-bug but doesn't feel that lack with the boy child?
And, yes, Brenda, she is a wretched little perv dog.
Smouldering Teppy.
Thank you for the compliment. (But I don't see it. The first picure is Messy Hair + Bitch Face, and the second picture is Big Huge Dork Whose Boobs Are Falling Out.)