Just so tired of being the middleman. I am the peacekeeper of the family and it is so fricking draining.
Nevermind that I am still getting caught up at work and have started a new class. Yes, I chose to be off work and to try to get my stooopid degree, but damn. Why can't adults act like adults? WHY?!?!?!?!?
eta - Gud, yes, that too would be nice. I should not be NGA. Really.
Thirding (or fourthing, not sure which) the professional help Robin. I've got a friend who has struggled with it for over 40 years, now. She does best when she's getting active counseling.
I am the peacekeeper of the family and it is so fricking draining.
You know sometimes, Suzi, that isn't your job after all. Sometimes you just have to let the other people sort their own shit out, and let the friction and sparks just happen. Because it's no fun being the brake pad, and the other folks aren't going to learn how to deal with each other if you're doing all the work for them.
That's something I have to remind myself, anyway.
Tep, I'm particularly digging GothKitty and the Mermaid in your pictures.
Somehow I suspected you'd dig GothKitty. I'm a little surprised at the Mermaid, though.
I'm a little surprised at the Mermaid, though.
How come? I like Mermaids. Consider the sacrifice of the Little Mermaid's sisters.
ION, I'm not sure how I feel about Raq losing weight. She's already perfectly sexy and gorgeous and I'm not sure if you should mess with something like that.
HMOG our condo neighbors are total flakes and it is ANNOYING. OK, rant over.
I wish it were that easy, Hec. I really do. And I do make them hammer out a lot of their own stuff. But there are times where I am stuck in the middle and there is no other way out.
I'm a little surprised at the Mermaid, though.
How come? I like Mermaids. Consider the sacrifice of the Little Mermaid's sisters.
I dunno -- she's just all blonde and sunshine-y, not dark and goth and sexy in that mysterious might-be-deadly way.
Suzi - throw the guilt back. They know they are putting you in the middle .
" you are putting me in the middle. why do you want to hurt me?"
Suzi - throw the guilt back. They know they are putting you in the middle .
I had to do that, Suzi. I had a total meltdown with my dad last year after a bunch of family drama. I had been the peacekeeper for six months and I was tired of it. He felt bad when I burst into tears on the phone.