About to leave to take my first stats test. Wish me good numbers!
I'm at work even though I didn't have to work today (close to campus). It's hot here because they turn off the air on weekends and holidays. It's also hot at home because our AC is dying. We have to replace it next week. Arrrrggghhh!
I continually fail to understand the "logic" that leads to the conclusion that you will gain more productivity in 2 hours right before a day off than you will lose in people being irritated about it. But, then, there's lots of similar corporate and bureaucratic "logic" that makes the insane trolls laugh and laugh.
I am done.
I no longer work at The Soul Sucking Suckhole.
I am free.
I also just colored my hair and cut my bangs.
Heh. Erica's gonna kill me.
Yay Aimee!
Smonster and Amyth and I went to my favorite gayboy bar, and while we were there, ran into my favorite (straight girl) coworker! Yay. Much fun, yummy drinks, TMI talk of sex...best. Now Amy and I are on line, while smonster reads "Welcome To Temptation". Which I have assured her is better than "Getting Rid of Bradley".
Top brass lady of the family that runs/owns our company stopped by Helpdesk today to explain that she wished she could extend the early-off to the helpdesk, but that it was unlikely to be workable due to the nature of our jobs...
I may be paraphrasing.