Hi, Laura! How are you? I was talking to my friend Dave the other day (the one you met), and he asked how you all were and said to send greetings to you.
I think this developed late in life for my sister, because I know she's eaten shellfish lots. The human body is a strange and mysterious thing.
ETA: And I'm feeling really well, thanks!
The Dean gave the staff two hours of "drift"
Jealous now.
We have our fireworks tonight, since they basically have to be at midnight in order to see them at all. I was invited to a friend's for a party and to watch the fireworks, but getting home would be a pain (couldn't realistically leave until about 2 because of traffic), especially because I plan to walk in the parade tomorrow. However, I am such a slacker that I never made alternative arrangements. I do have nearby friends who give a party each year, and I know that they would be happy for me to crash it, but officially I have no place to go watch fireworks.
Heh. We're often let out early on the day before a holiday or a long weekend. Today, my boss came around at like, 2:30PM, and said "In case you were under the misapprehension that you work for a NICE company or anything, I've been told that we are NOT supposed to be letting people out early, that that's been "phased out"". We were less than pleased. Stupid corporate bosses in another state. The people who work in my location are awesome, even the VP in charge of it. Sadly, headquarters sucks. BOO.
About to leave to take my first stats test. Wish me good numbers!
I'm at work even though I didn't have to work today (close to campus). It's hot here because they turn off the air on weekends and holidays. It's also hot at home because our AC is dying. We have to replace it next week. Arrrrggghhh!
I continually fail to understand the "logic" that leads to the conclusion that you will gain more productivity in 2 hours right before a day off than you will lose in people being irritated about it. But, then, there's lots of similar corporate and bureaucratic "logic" that makes the insane trolls laugh and laugh.
I am done.
I no longer work at The Soul Sucking Suckhole.
I am free.
I also just colored my hair and cut my bangs.
Heh. Erica's gonna kill me.