I love my OB/GYN. I had my annual checkup today, and because we were talking about IUDs in here the other day, I asked her if it was a good option for me. Because I'm almost 35 (::cough::oneweekexactly::cough::), and because of the raging heart disease in my family, I'd rather not use a hormonal form of BC that is absorbed systemically. She said it would be a great option for me -- didn't even hesitate, didn't bring up the you-haven't-had-kids-and-therefore-the-IUD-will-fall-out issue. She also said that her office will take care of finding out if my health insurance covers it, and they'll call me to let me know. I love her.
I also asked her -- because I never had before -- if she prescribes Plan B. (I figured yes, because her whole practice is very pro-choice, but since it's never been an issue for me, I had never asked if they *do* prescribe it, and I really just wanted to know, less for any hypothetical future use of mine, but more because I wanted to be sure where they stand.) She said they absolutely do, and that they always answer their pagers on the weekends (because patients, statistically, request it more often on the weekends), and they always check that the pharmacy the patient requests is a pharmacy that will dispense it without any bullshit. I love her.
It's nice to know there are still *some* places where women are actually treated like human beings and not just incubators.
happy birthday askye! Maybe I'll try to see Cars in CT tomorrow night.
NO IDEA how much easier she ismaking this.
I know exactly this feeling, and am feeling it and will feel it for another two weeks.
Happy Birthday askye!!!! Wear the tiara, definitely.
I got my cookbook today! Squee!
I also received a new face rest for my massage table that's supposed to ease/do away with the sinus congestion. Can't wait to try it out!
That all sounds like so much fun, askye!
Isn't it nice to now you have another option, Aimee?
Steph, your OB/GYN sounds terrific. I'm planning on having a similar discussion with my doctor when I go in for my annual (note to self: schedule the damn annual). I'm still NGA, but I'm planning on signing up with match.com or the like, and I'd like to be prepared on the off-chance that I get matched.
I'd happily meet up with you and go a-lookin'.
Throws arms around JZ & smacks her on the cheek. Thank you! You are the best. I'll be bvusy honoring my Dad & FiL Sunday, but I think Shopping With JZ would probably one of the finest entertainments available. Another time? LMK when.
I have far too much Rose Syrup on hand. I don't have enough vodka on hand to cordial-ify it all. Anybody want some?
Yay on the finding out about Plan B & those who will still provide such a thing.
Seekrit note to Steph: Young 'un. Why, when I was your age....
I am so fucking awesome it kind of hurts. And I hate being awesome because it makes me have more work. But then it also makes me have less work because I was awesome while discovering I have more work. In conclusion, let's make out.
That is my purpose in life.