Meep. MEEP!
My best friend in the world, whom I've known since I was 14 and with whom I went through the same high school, college, and grad school, is applying for a position at my new school in LA. She currently lives in Connecticut.
Please please send massive ~ma to her (and me). I can't tell you what it would mean to me to have her living near me and
working with me!!!!
Oh, Kristin, how exciting!
Oh, Kristin, that's great! ~ma ~ma ~ma!!!
{{{Suzi and K-Bug}}}
Happy birthday, JZ!
Happy Anniversary to Sparky and her fabulous DH!
Pretty ladies in pretty dresses. Very bummed I missed the F2F this year.
Work...40 hours a week....riiiiiiight. I long for the days when a 40 hour week was de rigeur, not something I remember fondly from a time long, long ago. Ironically, that's why I decided not to practice law. The idea of working 100 hours a week to bill umpteen million hours a year just so I could say I made partner while my DH and future-sprog wondered why a complete stranger was sleeping in their house every night did not appeal. The quality of my life is just as important as the quantity of money I make. Ergo the tradeoff.
What am I doing now? Working approximately 70 hours a week and some weekends for a job that I'm not passionate about, though it's more about the cow-orkers than the job. I need to get back 100% on the policy side of the fence, but I have no idea how to do so and maintain the same salary. Once DH's business is stable like a table, I'll have a little more leeway. My current job conveniently forgets that I've got that kind of experience, and I'm tired of getting in their faces about it. There's too many egos in the office and sometimes I think they enjoy seeing their cow-orkers flail and flounder, instead of doing what's best for the company. If I was at HQ, it would be a different story. Love, love, love the people I work with there, but there's no way I can relocate to Michigan right now.
In short, I heartily approve of Kristin's idea. Let's make out.
We've got the technology to have results-oriented employment, rather than ass-in-chair-for-hours employment.
My objection is two-pronged. I'm in
for crying out loud. If anyone can make it happen, we can. Also, I'm
I don't have to work 40 hours to get my job done--that should be the average. We all have to put in long days--how often do we get short days that don't involve docking some time pool or another?
You're on!
Ironically, I did not realise that Raq was expressing that same idea. It took me forever to type my "woeismebutnotreallysinceicanputfoodonthetable" tale. If I've got to share a brain with someone, Raq is an awesome person with whom to do so.
Much employment~ma to your friend, Kristin!
I don't mind putting in the occasional 10-12 hour day at my job when it's something I like doing and when that's seen as a major OMG-she-really-worked-her-ass-off-to-make-deadline kind of deal.
Jobs where 10-12 hour days are seen as just the normal run of things? No. It's not good for me physically or mentally and after a point my work quality suffers.
If I've got to share a brain with someone, Raq is an awesome person with whom to do so.
(so trying to resist responding "Again, wrod" to this. Makes out with MFNlaw instead)
Kristin, that would rock! I so hope it works out!