Insent to Teppy.
Oy gevalt. Since Emmett's Triple A team, The Mets, won the Albany Little League championship, they're scheduled to play in the Berkeley Tournament of Champions (ToC). But he's also on the 9 y.o. tournament team, The Albany Eagles, scheduled to play in Burlingame this weekend.
I just got an email: "The albany little league officials are concerned about emmett's potential absence from the Met's TOC game on Saturday."
It's nice to know he's wanted, but...
Actually, it shouldn't be too big of a deal. He can play in the morning game in the ToC, missing one game with the Eagles in Burlingame, and then go do the afternoon game in Burlingame. But I'm going to be in LA this weekend, so it's pretty much his mom's call. Might actually be easier for EM, since she wouldn't have to spend all day Saturday in Burlingame.
It's just a little weird when the local little league powers-that-be are invested in your kid's presence.