Wait! I know when Teppy's birthday is...hang on...it's like in November or something.
Legion used to sit and pace next to the tub with a worried look, occasionally howling at me to get out because I was clearly DYING. He just doesn't care anymore.
I still have no cooking mojo. Dinner was almost entirely unlike cashew chicken, for all that it involved chicken and cashews and rice. Dinner Part 2 is cherries.
Percy is unhappy at showering. if you stick your head out - he meows - and if he sees your hand, he swats. IFor bath takeing he hangs by the bathroom door - in guard position.
eta: we aren't really sure what he is doing, or planning on doing, but he has a plan.
::rises from the dead to make this Teppy person a birthday cake::
I just helped interview and choose my temp replacement. It all seems real now and I'm actually kind of sad.
The weather is just about to break here. It's been muggy and humid and it makes us of the cranky. Storms are a brewing.
However, the AC has been turned on and we're settling down to watch some tv.
In More Kitty News:
Last night, just as we were turning off the lights and readying for bed, Ruthven very cautiously advanced up the basement stairs and came into the kitchen. He didn't stay long, but it was a start. I suspect the light at the top of the basement stairs was the thing that was making him uncomfortable and as soon as it was out, he felt braver.
By the time I got up at 2am to use the bathroom, both boys were happily moving around the main floor of the house.
This morning, the same deal with both boys rushing to meet me as I left the bedroom. Ruthven is probably more relaxed now than he has been since we brought him home; I suspect the extra room gives him a greater sense of security. Tzepesh acts like he's always lived here; he's hung out pretty much everywhere and has thoroughly irritated Trinian by sleeping on her blanket. 'Unflappable' is a word that comes to mind when thinking about Tzepesh.
Trinian started off the morning not too grumpy but has gotten a little more irritated in the last hour or so. This was not helped by the fact that she had to have one of her forepaws cleaned due to the new litter sticking to it. Looks like I may have to change litter brands for the
time. Oh well.
Trinian did manage to stand within 2 feet of her brothers without major incident while I was dishing up wet food. It seems hunger wins over territorial issues.
The house if chock-full'o'cute!
Who the fuck is "Teppy"?
I think she's a doctor. Not sure either.
You are all DEAD to me.
Good thing I was already dead from the headbutting cat and all.
I may as well tell you here and now that I am LAME, because I actually did remember your birthday and have a card and all, I just keep forgetting to put it in the mail. So you'll be getting birthday greetings that are late like things that are late, and also tardy.
Poor Teppy!
Teppy who?
Tzepesh? I think I'm going to have to make sure he doesn't try and jump in.
Supposedly, cats are great natural swimmers - they generally just hate being wet. I'm trying to figure out if the two inherent tendencies are revenge or just a joke on the part of any possible creator, because I don't see how the two could evolve in the same critter.