Timelies all!
My Day of the Beast went reasonably well, except for some tissue sample containers exploding close to my head and grazing my cheek.(The containers were taken out of a liquid nitrogen freezer and must have had some liquid N2 in them, which expands as it warms and becomes a gas)Meh.
My other annoyance is really minor. I went to the mall to try to find a comb or similar hair accesory so I can put one section of my hair up for the wedding this weekend. Everything I saw was too casual, too blingy(I want to go simple with my accessories) or meant for a 16yr old. Ah, well, guess I'll wear my hair completely down.
Sheryl, try Rite-Aid or other drug store. I've found the best hair stuff there usually.
Aw, Obama's a Colbert fan! Let's elect him President.
Not yet. We have to wait. For reasons that will come to me again...sometime.
I'm in class. Soooo bored. We're learning how to search the education research databases at school. Because I've never done that before.
Now Snacking On: Ritz crackers spread with Rondelle garlic and herbs cheese spread. Mmmmm. Gives me a Proustian memory hit of being 4 and going down the morning after a party and sampling all snack trays while my folks slept in.
I think I'll have to see if Dad'll take me here next time he comes up to see me. The question is, do I want goulash or paprikash? That cherry soup is definitely going to be sampled, though. (Actually, the entire dinner menu is entirely too tempting!)
Good thing we've got vacuum tubes set up between our three apartments. It should keep in a Thermos.
I KNEW those would come in handy. Just remember to babyproof it soon, 'kay.
How does Dinosaur Comics celebrate Beast day? [link]
Aw, Obama's a Colbert fan! Let's elect him President.
Not yet. We have to wait.
Aw, heck, let's just write him in. We like him.
No, we have to wait. When I haven't been drinking I can probably explain why.
Y'all, check this shit out. Especially TAR folks. Look what my sister and I are doing this weekend: [link]
So, um, consider this notice that we may be posting with urgent info and/or google requests on Sunday. Go Team Tabarnac!
brenda, that looks fun.
my brain is wound up, but my body is exhausted. FIGHT!
also? monkey monkey monkey.