I'm sorry the insurance company put their asshat on so quickly.
No kidding! Nothing makes you feel better while you watch your car in flames on the side of one of the longest bridges in North America than hearing your insurance guy say, "oh, that's not covered." My pa-in-law is an insurance agent for that same company, so I'm going to get him on the phone tomorrow to see if he can help them navigate the bureaucracy.
Damn, Corwood! What the hell? Anyway, I'm glad your family is okay. That's crazy.
Yikes, Corwood! I am so glad everyone is safe now. I hope your FiL can help with the insurance navigation as well. So, so glad everyone is okay...
What they all said, Corwood. I'm glad everyone is okay.
Holy Moly, Corwood, you'd think the Gods of Drama would've been content with
vehicles bursting into flames or your brother having a seizure. Have a little narrative economy, eh?
He pitched 8 innings yesterday, and at one point retired 18 in a row.
And then his forearm shattered into dust?
Megan, I am so sorry for your family.
And Corwood! Egad! How terrifying.
Thanks again, y'all!
Have a little narrative economy, eh?
Yeah, I know this'll sound callous, but I'm 12 hours removed from being scared for them at this point. My mom was in total 13-yr-old drama queen mode for the whole trip, being extremely obnoxious about some of our parental choices, quoting James Dobson's childrearing advice at every opportunity (I'm not entirely sure what it was, but I'm fairly certain that she's worried that our 18-mo-old is going to be gay because he's still nursing occasionally), storming off with my brother's wheelchair and without a phone for the entire day yesterday when I told her (mildly) that she needed to consult Mrs. Manners on giving unwanted advice to family members rather following me around the house bitching about circumcision and breastfeeding and sleep issues and LADY, IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.
To wit: not a pleasant visit. She didn't deserve what happened to her (and my beleaguered father definitely didn't), but she wasn't exactly working the good karma while she was here. While she was gone yesterday, I told my dad that if she was still on the rampage when she got back that they should probably consider going ahead and leaving because my usually even-keeled and cheerfully neutral wife was getting ready to punch her in the nose.
As far as my brother goes, he's profoundly retarded and seizures occur daily for him. The problem was that his medicine and respirator went up in flames. Bad timing, that, but he's alright.
I'm fairly certain that she's worried that our 18-mo-old is going to be gay because he's still nursing occasionally
He's face deep in boobie at times. How will that make him gay? Pledge to a frat house? Maybe.
And, no, they didn't deserve this but everyone is okay and, as you said, she wasn't racking up the bonus karma points while she was there.
Jeebus, Corwood. What an all-around nightmare. I'm glad they're all okay, sorry the visit was so rought, and sorry that the disaster's going to cause the aforementioned upswing in "live closer" demands.