Yesterday I helped a friend recycle... which I thought would be maybe one trip in my car. It turned out to be
trips, back and forth across Cambridge (the city recycling yard is on the other side from her old place) with my car full to the gunwales. There were at least 13 black trash bags of clothing alone, many more paper grocery bags of random paper....
I get mucho big FRIEND points, right?
I get mucho big FRIEND points, right?
Yup, and also mucho big good-to-the environment points.
Grr. Finally heard back from the head of our UK office, with whom I have a top priority project that absolutely must be finished early today. He's being totally shirty about it.
Dude, I'm sorry you're just back from vacation and getting this thrown at you. I'm sure it was nice being in Sri Lanka for three weeks, but you know what? The rest of us haven't even had a day off since you've been gone. And it's the Big Boss - your boss as well as mine - who's demanding your involvement. Doing this yesterday would have been much better for me, but you apparently couldn't be arsed to check your email or voicemail. So you can just suck it as far as I'm concerned.
I was holding off comment on that fucking slimeball Gibson until the tirade story was better confirmed. But he's now apologizing for it, so I'ma take that as confirmation that he is indeed one of skeeviest, slimiest, most loathsome excuses for a human being.
So sorry to hear the news about your MIL, Megan. Here's some -ma for you and yours to get through the next few days with!
I'm so sorry, Megan. You & your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.
So sorry about your MIL, Megan.
Megan, my condolences for you and your DH and your family.
Megan, my best to you and yours. so sorry for your loss.
Thanks all. It's really for the best, to end her suffering.
B. arranged for a priest to come and give her last rights. After that, she woke up a little bit and looked at B. He gave her a hug to let her know he was there and she passed away in his arms. *sniff*
So very sad.