she's definitely got some sort of cold-weather dog, since she prefers the snow and has a very thick undercoat. I don't dare let her stay out too long in the heat (even though we're not really active).
Yeah, that's Lucy all right. She's in the bathroom sleeping on the tile now. The good thing with her is that she really won't push it in the heat - once it hits 70, she walks down the street like she's a hundred, and nothing short of a bunny rabbit will speed her up. But this elevator thing threw a wrench into the works.
We're supposed to be pretty darn hot until the end of the week.
But this elevator thing threw a wrench into the works.
Stoopid elevator. There's no time-travelling English Duke staying in your building, is there?
I'm contemplating a nap since my head hurts this morning. Headaches are starting to re-occur but I don't know if it's sinus, stress or that fact that Owen's current favorite game is SLAM THE DOORS REALLY LOUDLY.
Aww, brenda, poor Lucy! Hope she's feeling better.
It was hot for a while here, but the last couple of days have been downright temperate. Enjoy it while I can, I guess.
is 2.33MB too big to send over email?
In case anyone missed it when it aired (likely, because SciFi did exactly zero promotion, from what I can tell), go to NOW and watch the pilot of The Amazing Screw-on Head and then take the survey and tell them to make more!
Reasons to watch this show:
- based on a comic by Mike Mignola
- produced for TV by Bryan Fuller
- Amazing Screw-on Head is voiced by Paul Giamatti
- Emperor Zombie voiced by David-Hyde Pierce
- Steampunk, wheeeeee!!!
- Emperor Zombie has vampire minions
- Has characters named Amazing Screw-on Head and Emperor Zombie
- who have a deep and entangled past
- contains oodles of Whedon-like snark in the form of exchanges like:
Emperor Zombie: You went on an on about how sweet the candy was, and then told me not to put it in my mouth, and got mad at me when I did!
Screw-on Head: If by "candy" you mean "ancient forbidden evil," then yes, I told you not to put it in your mouth!
And so on. You can watch the whole thing free online, and then there's a survey where you can tell them how much you liked it and please please please make more. Go! Watch!
I just happened to catch it when it aired, but I was only watching it as background, and even so, it cracked me up. But I'll go watch again and take the survey, because I would love to see more of it.
Owen's current favorite game is SLAM THE DOORS REALLY LOUDLY
Hee! I mean, I hated that game.
(and also Hee!)