You'll note I used the gentile, polite, non-threatening "Handsome" because he's your friend, and I understand the OH-THAT'S-NOT-RIGHT feeling a person might have, if people were making more forward comments about a friend.
The picture I saw was a head shot, so there were no "wrong body" issues. How is that body wrong, ita?
You'll note I used the gentile, polite, non-threatening "Handsome" because he's your friend, and I understand the OH-THAT'S-NOT-RIGHT feeling a person might have, if people were making more forward comments about a friend.
And that is well appreciated. Back in my more delicate days, not everyone was quite so circumspect.
How is that body wrong, ita?
Neck's too short. The person depicted is all squat. Colin verges on the gangle. I mean, in my head he still is, but in real life, he at least looks like he could have, ten years ago.
delicate. oh, you made me laugh.
JZ, you know underwires are a no-no post partum (and maybe even at the end of pregnancy--I disremember), right?
Not JZ. Not pregnant. But thinking about it now. No underwires??? On, like, doctor's orders?
::ponders ungluing knees::
Perhaps because he's finally getting to show off some of what caught my eye
He's good looking but it's his delivery that strikes me in
That and the funny thing that I often forget he's "ita's Colin" when I am watching the show.
The person depicted is all squat.
I suspect that Squat!Man's shirt photographed better for putting text over the image. Or I wonder. I am not invested enough in it to get to suspicion.
I have an hour and forty five minutes before my tv should start watching tv for me tonight. Is that time enough to fuss with cabling and trying to get my dvr to freaking talk to its hivemind? This is the first time in over a year that I have wished I had a landline.
ugly hair.
What happened to the cute ringlet plan?
I have an hour and forty five minutes before my tv should start watching tv for me tonight. Is that time enough to fuss with cabling and trying to get my dvr to freaking talk to its hivemind?
For those playing along at home, it took about ten minutes. Took longer to pull my computer and all of the remotes over by the tv and grab my phone and pen in case I needed to call the cable company. Sometimes stuff just starts working when it wasn't before. Huh. Thanks, universe.
JZ, you know underwires are a no-no post partum (and maybe even at the end of pregnancy--I disremember), right?
I wore my underwires up until the end. And it's just till milk's fully established and no apparent nursing problems until you can try an underwire nursing bra (which they make, but I find hella uncomfortable). Now I switch back and forth between my nursing bras and underwires. I want to find a non-underwire that feels as good as a Bravado but I'm too lazy to go get fitted and to shop for one.
But the cool stuff usually gets a more accessible editorial summary,
Like armadillo penises are biological hydrostats! And blunt force trauma!
Am back from the Sleeping Beauty production. The camp is run by Arena Players, which is, if the info online is correct, the oldest black-owned theater company. It was amusing and my neighbor did very well and nailed everything. There were the miscues and forgotten lines, but all in all, the kids did really well. They did all the battle scenes with a strobe, which was highly effective (kids can move slowly so as not to clobber anyone, but the strobe makes it look frantic.)
The audience was quite helpful, trying to dissuade Briar Rose from the spindle and get the Prince to kiss Sleeping Beauty. Which he did. Through his fist. At which point I think the entire theater fell apart in helpless hysteria. The girls who played the evil witch were quite dramatically villainous, and the one in the second half, while less leeringly evil, just BELTED her songs out as she boogied around the stage.
Anyway, fun.
Not JZ. Not pregnant. But thinking about it now. No underwires??? On, like, doctor's orders? ::ponders ungluing knees::
Hee. My OB didn't say a word. I did avoid them, on account of hating the fuckers and finding them uncomfortable, until about two months ago. (I'm still nursing, but at 15 months, it's not a main food source for her any longer, and I'm not worried about the things bugging the ducts.)