Happy Birthday, Kat! May the body image demons shut up for the coming year.
I thought that the motherhood thing might affect how I look at these cases but it doesn't. I've had too much first hand experience with severe mental illness to be able to try to hold these people responsible for their acts. I just can't do it.
I think it's because of my own motherhood that I think the Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity verdict may have been appropriate. She drowned
children, one by one. She chased them down. Some struggled and nearly escaped. Momma didn't just have a temper fit, or want to off the kids to escape motherhood, because she called the cops when she was done. The prosecution tried to frame it as if it were too methodical to be the act of an insane person, because it wasn't quick, but to me, it's that it took so long that convinces me she wasn't there.
The people who are not insane have a responsibility to do something when their loved ones are a danger to themselves or others. I have more fury with the husband than with Andrea. If I were a danger to my children I hope that my husband would see this and step in and do whatever was needed to prevent tragedy.
Yes. This.
Heh. More proof that organized religion is BAD.
Nah. Just some people. I know people who haven't darkened the door of a church in decades, who think therapy and head-meds are nonsense, and that you just have to "X it out."
I'm definitely with JZ on this. I've seen our pastor in action, when parishioners have had severe mental health crises. And when my anxiety was bad, my pastor's wife was the first person to give me the, "Why don't get get some medication, asshat," talk (without the "asshat" part, and with hugs, and some holistic advice, to boot, when she realized why I didn't want the meds).
But I will undoubtedly gain a couple of pounds from today which will upset and depress me.
If you ate 7000 calories worth of dim sum, I am DAMN impressed, Kat! Anyway, you're super little now, is the point.
Kat!!! Happy happy birthday!
Oh, and this comment:
sometimes I think I'm an eating disorder that lacks self-control or willpower.
I completely understand. Gracious, yes.
So, I told myself I wasn't going to watch Project Runway tonight, and go to bed early, but I can't resist!!! Argh.
PR: Even though I hate the idea of
, I love this challenge.
Oh my donkey, seven different relatives bailed on going to the family wedding this weekend and have saddled me with taking their gifts. There's barely enough room left in my car for me.
Wow Kat! That backhandspring movie is such fun. Most impressive.
My bulk gets in the way of doing so many things I used to be able to do. You are inspiring me to work harder.
I've seen our pastor in action, when parishioners have had severe mental health crises. And when my anxiety was bad, my pastor's wife was the first person to give me the, "Why don't get get some medication, asshat," talk
I've seen firsthand some really, really good support come from people's churches. Not the Craxy!Religious folks--just regular, run-of-the-mill, middle-of-the-road religious people (of different persuasions). Having floundered without support, I'd take it where I can find it.
In the case of the lady with the tumor, I think the jurors were able to gronk a tumor but not mental illness--which upsets me. Schizophrenia has medical causes and medical treatments and yet still gets treated like some sort of act. If anyone ever met someone with schizophrenia, they'd know you can't fake it. Doctors know, anyway.
I'm still amazed at the back handspring. I couldn't do that when I was 12, let alone now. Yikes! That's impressive.