I decided I could either try to bake/cook a lot
I could pit cherries and maybe bake one thing.
back from errands - new mop head (I bought the wrong one last week), and groceries from the health food store and the regular grocery store. My feet are starting to hurt. I think I will only get a few more things cooked/baked.
It just freaks me out that something would have toothbreakers baked inside. I've broken a tooth on a freaking bagel, so I'm a little paranoid about these things. I pit cherries while watching tv or something.
ah, but I
they are there, so I do not go chomping down willy nilly. And actually some of the pits popped out while baking.
From my experience, tooth breaking has little to nothing to do with what you're actually eating at the time. I'm pretty sure my mother broke a tooth eating salad, and I don't remember what I was eating when mine did. (Bad teeth = family trait.)
Ooh, I think I'm about to get into a throwdown on LJ about pet adoption. Good times.
Four loads of laundry done!!! All my clothes and bedding are clean!! Well, except for the clothes I'm wearing. Woot!
Please, y'all, no tooth breaking, okay?
I took a nap, and then a shower. Also good times.
I think I've decided that I want to finish everything except the guest room today, and then do the guest room in the evenings over the course of the week.
I think that's a very sensible plan, Lee.
I think so. Of course, it
dependent on me actually doing things, but most plans have their flaws, right?
I feel accomplished this weekend! I never get this many chores done. Three loads of laundry in, dry cleaning taken in, pedicure accomplished, shoes re-soled, trash taken out, dishes done, detergent and wine cork replaced, shower cleaned, prescription called in and picked up....