But I'm with Lee on some things don't need to be said on public TV by big name personalities.
I'ma gonna pop psychologize Baba and say that public breastfeeding makes her uncomfortable because she is harbouring guilty feelings about not being able to nurse her daughter because said daughter is adopted.
Ahhhh!!! Baby book mindworms!!!
A recent favorite in the Industries household.
Emeline gets the book off her bookshelf, opens it to that page and just SQUEALS.
Sandra Boynton is the QUEEN SUPREME of baby books. I simply adore her.
Is That My Daddy? That's Not My Daddy!
Emeline gets the book off her bookshelf, opens it to that page and just SQUEALS.
I have seen this. It's lethally cute.
When they get a little older, you'll have to add Walter, the Farting Dog to their repetoire.
The nephew made my mom read it 4 times in sucession one night.
OMG I just discovered Walter the Farting Dog on my recent bug book quest for my nephew. MUST GET FOR OTHER NIECE.
But Not the Hippopotamous
"A hog and a frog cavort in a bog."
I love this one.