Why can't we base our behavior on what animals do?
goes home to have sex with husband and then eat him.
I think their point was the same as yours, but from the other angle. The page linked from that one reads:
Gay political groups argue that if homosexual behavior occurs in animals, it's natural, and therefore should be embraced.
But think about it: Rats and hamsters eat their young. Black Widow spiders kill their mates. Do we consider those things natural behavior for humans, too?
We shouldn't pick and choose animal behaviors to back political causes. And we shouldn't model human laws after behavior found in the zoo.
Uh, vultures. . .shuttle launches? Connection?
The best non-vulture at vulching is Snoopy. Second best was my junior-high band director, Mr. Kobe, who always went into vulch posture (albeit with arms raised) before bringing the baton done for the first beat of every song.
Uh, vultures. . .shuttle launches? Connection?
Don't look at me. I'm still trying to figure out the mooing dog on a de-gayed penguin site.
Uh, vultures. . .shuttle launches? Connection?
I had hoped somebody would ask! There really is one!
Apparently, at the launch site, they have a problem with vultures hanging about. I think I heard that recent inspection of the tiles on the shuttle revealed that some of what they thought was minor damage/nicks was in fact bird poop. Now the vultures hang about because of all the roadkill that results from the facility's high volume of traffic. They even have a crew, known as the Roadkill Patrol, that spends its days driving about Canaveral, picking up roadkill, the logic being if there are fewer sources of food (roadkill being a vulture's dream meal,) the vultures will move elsewhere.
Gay political groups argue that if homosexual behavior occurs in animals, it's natural, and therefore should be embraced.
But think about it: Rats and hamsters eat their young. Black Widow spiders kill their mates. Do we consider those things natural behavior for humans, too?
We shouldn't pick and choose animal behaviors to back political causes. And we shouldn't model human laws after behavior found in the zoo.
Fucking idiots and their straw men!
Gay political groups aren't saying that "we should embrace animal behavior because it's natural." The issue is that right-wing religious people are saying that homosexual behavior is
natural, which leads to the gay political groups saying, "Come here and look at these penguins." That's as far as it goes.
eta: OK, if I were fascist dictator, I'd require that all students take at least one class in logic and how to recognize logical fallacies.
Matt, I wish you would do that to Dobson's cultists.
The best non-vulture at vulching is Snoopy.
I dunno. Pete does a pretty adorablegood vulch.
Animals don't wear clothes. I think it would be funny to enforce nudism on anybody who invokes animals as an example on either side of any given debate. I mean, okay, maybe one side would be considerably more enthusiastic about the nudism, but, from a bystander point of view, at least it would be entertaining.
Animals don't wear clothes.
That's not always their fault. Hippos would wear pants if given the opportunity.