True, true. Of course,
I'm not defending Angela, I just wondered if what she was saying was really true or whether she just didn't bother because she was planning on riding someone's coattails on this one. She bugged me the whole time because she was just flat-out unprofessional (and stupidly obvious in her attempts with Kayne).
ETA: My true, true was to Jesse.
Yeah, upshot is,
I hate Angela. I mean, I just sketched a dress as clearly as some of the designers do, and I can neither design clothes nor draw! Just make some pretty squiggles and bullshit your way through!
Also, I agree that it was lame that
yet again they suggested that someone was going to be kicked out and they didn't deliver.
Jesse, YES!!! Just
fake it! geez she bugged. And Vincent was being an asshole as a teammate but don't blame it on the design, which the judges clearly liked ok enough, on the runway. Say, "I was hoping to help out more." or something.
neck-too whose name I'm not remember MUST DIE, though, for trotting out the "Feminazi". He is so very foul.
And I was although
he was irritating with his fake accent and all and I hated his dress, I was sad to see Malan go.
I actually liked that it wasn't either of them, but that the person with the worst dress got kicked off, and not necessarily the one with all of the drama. That being said, I hope they both go soon.
Absolutely! I hate the word femi-nazi.
Him and his
"I design for rock stars. Like JLo." Idiot
From Tim's blog:
"Lest anyone think that any designer is kept on the show because of personality, let Malan’s departure dispel that myth."
And Lisa, I almost
forgot about that jackass "feminazi" comment. It totally made me hate that guy.
Hmm. Maybe I should do a little more work today?
OMG, the whitefont is killing me. I think I can catch it tomorrow at three. Fingers crossed.
sj, I agree, my lame comment was about
the fact that in the promos there is talk about someone doing "sabotage" and being kicked out separate from the runway, not the implication that Angela or Vincent should go because of the drama.