Night, Lee!
Brenda! I was thinking about it this weekend, Brenda, and did check out megabus. I need to make reservations well ahead of time to get the good prices.
Would love to get up there sometime soon. I also want to get out to SF again before the end of the year if I can swing it. Maybe fly standby or something. Do they still do that?
Anyway, Mr. Tilney is preparing the parsonage for a visit from Catherine and I don't want to keep them waiting. nitol
I'm here. Isn't that enough?
I couldn't find your footprints in the sand.
I was scared.
I couldn't find your footprints in the sand
That's because when times got too rough for you, I sent internet hairpats and hired some guys I met online to carry you. They showed up, didn't they? Or were they the axe murderers? Shoot, I knew I should've googled a little harder....
Dude, you totally know I'd prefer the axe murderers.
God, my apartment is such a mess. Somehow, laundry overtakes it and leaves me overwhelmed. It's clean laundry, which is both better and worse.
I read two blog posts discussing trannie scientists and sexism in science, today. I never thought sucha thing would be relevant to my life, but now I'm wishing we'd hire them so I'd have interesting people to hang with now that Nathan is leaving.
Well, I figured if they were axe murderers, your rough times might be nicer if you could blow off some steam and kill them with your pinky. I really was thinking of you, see!
I went to bed at 10pm. I was trying to be good. I woke up all coughing and "Hi, is it morning now?" 15 minutes ago. At 1:15. Um. This is not working. Stupid hotel room.