Tep, ZOMG do I want to fly over and kill your cow-orker. A lot.
Where's Juliana or Vortex or meara?
Just say "oh, I --" stop abruptly, smile enigmatically and say "nothing special" What their minds will come up with is FAR more exciting than anything you could actually do.
See, I knew Vortex would be able to help.
I would have helped, but I was too busy trying to peel myself off the floor and get it together to come in to work. Also, may I say: OW. Owowowowow. In conclusion, ow.
Actually, as shocking as it may be, I'm not in the mood for sushi right now.
I had this very thing today! Not in the mood for sushi, WTF? I had my usual salad, diet coke, popcorn lunch.
Popcorn is one of your major food groups, isn't it?
I wish I could eat it. Can't, though. Tears the hell out of my mouth.
In conclusion, ow.
So you had a good birthday?
Not in the mood for sushi, WTF?
Weird, huh?
I went to Jack in the box and got a chicken sandwich, no mayo.
So you had a good birthday?
You could say that. Further update in Bitches.
ISTG. You know what's annoying? When you basically take a document, edit it SOMEWHAT and return it to the person responsible for the original document, who then says, no, that's not right. DUDE. I GOT IT FROM YOU.
For some reason, this is being said, in my head, in the tone of voice from that anti drug commercial from the 80's where the kid says "I LEARNED IT FROM WATCHING YOU!" to his dad, who smoked marijuana.
Ah ha ha! I love that ad. I'm totally going to say it in that voice next time.
Did you call them on it, Jesse? Please tell me you did.