Crap. I have too many little deadlines too far away for any of them to seem urgent, but if I don't start getting shit done, I will be screwed next week. And yet.....
At least I've been spending time doing stupid work tasks instead of just screwing around the ENTIRE day.
What should I have for lunch?
Fuck it's hot in my office. I need to go outside just to cool down.
Spike Jonze's 1999 short campaign film for Al Gore: [link] You should ask yourself why if you haven't seen this before.
Chatty McClueless just told me I was a racist hypocrite.
Today is not being a good day.
No, but it's a good day for Chatty McClueless to get a fair number of punches to the head and groin.
I'm up for a road trip.
What should I have for lunch?
Eel sushi. Oh, wait, that was me. Still, it was nummy.
That is a good idea though...
I had a chicken pot pie. It was nummy but I would rather have had sushi.
Actually, as shocking as it may be, I'm not in the mood for sushi right now.
I just bought a Treo (650) on eBay. Meep!