Oh. My. God.
Suddenly I adore Richard Simmons. I forgive him for everything he did that ever irritated me.
And all my other projects have loved me.
Ignore the crazy lady.
In other work news, I really don't know how to get people to attend my meetings. It's not specifically me that's being ignored, but dammit, when it's my project, just behave, will you? Read your e-mail, and when you accept an invite to a meeting, show up, or send me a note saying why you can't. You know all this shit is important.
that video with richard simmons - I have tears streaming down my face. My cat disapproves of me laughing so hard
I was crying too, beth. And I'm at work!
One of the funniest things to me was Ryan Stiles cracking up so badly, because he is usually pretty good about not. And I thought the guy NOT in the sketch (Greg Proops?) was going to die laughing. As did I!
I've been working with one project in an application for almost 7 hours now. STILL NOT WORKING!!! new problems, every time we fix something.
But you're going home soon, right?
Unrelatedly, one of the funniest videos I've ever seen.
Holy crap, I think I sprained something trying to not laugh out loud.
ACK! The video is not working for me! WHY AM I BEING PUNISHED LIKE THIS???
eta was able to open in Explorer. am crying.
I share an office, which means no funny videos for me. Stupid needing to look like I'm actually working.
well I am getting off work soon, but not going home. Dr. appt. then yoga, then home.