Hi katefate!
I think it is just a symptom of how everyone in America, except the very rich and the destitute THINK that they are middle class. No one wants to go around saying they are lower class, and I think, at least in the working world, no one wants to really be upper class, either...
Have we seen this? godchecker.com
Welcome to Godchecker - your Guide to the Gods
We have more Gods than you can shake a stick at. Godchecker's Mythology Encyclopedia currently features over 2,850 deities.
Browse the pantheons of the world, explore ancient myths, and discover Gods of everything from Fertility to Fluff with the fully searchable Holy Database Of All Known Gods.
This has links to three different cephalopd Gods: [link]
Deity of the Day: [link]
edit 'cuz I can spell 'deity.'
The Crazy Woman Who I Suspect of Being an AI sent me an e-mail. She doesn't understand why I'm working on a particular document. Didn't her last e-mail tell me to stop working on that document? She encloses a copy of her e-mail to help me.
It doesn't say that AT ALL.
I'm just waiting to see if we get brownouts or rolling blackouts. There's a chance for thunderstorms this afternoon, which ups the possibility.
W's behavior at the G8 summit is really starting to worry me.
Oh, man. That is legion in its suckiness.
Much like yet another car with broken AC on the commuter rail this morning (the 7:03). Meh. It did make the actual walk to the office feel cool by comparison, but not a way I like to start the day (i.e. dripping in sweat).
W's behavior at the G8 summit is really starting to worry me.
That is kind of freaky.
Did you see the Daily show segment on the pig?
I finally fell asleep, and then my alarm clock didn't go off, which was bad for shooting up the cat (but not bad enough to worry about), but good for me.
My story about Eureka is up at [link] if any are interested.
Did someone say that Bush was acting weird? [link]
A photo of Bush with the Japanese PM. Bush's fly is open. Worksafe (thank God!!!).
eta: The picture is worksafe. The rest of the page - perhaps NSM. (The link loads the entire blog, but the link has a # thingie that leaves your browser scrolled to the actually entry. You know what I mean. I think.)
my alarm clock didn't go off, which was bad for shooting up the cat (but not bad enough to worry about)
I swear my diabetic cat now wakes me up to give him his shot. He is totally an insulin addict!
It was so hot in my supposedly air-conditioned office yesterday (85+) that I'm working at home in my unairconditioned but much cooler home today. Hooray for open doors and shady trees and ceiling fans.