Instead, I checked my credit card balances - ugh. needless to say, there will be no spontaneous shopping.
I wish I had done that. It seems it's get rid of the summer stock sales time. I bought a pair of shorts, two t-shirts, a cotton sweater and two silks scarves at lunch. I didn't need any of it! To be fair, they were all under $10, except for the shorts, which were $15.
needless to say, there will be no spontaneous shopping.
I have all these plans on how to spend money on some sensible electronics (and some fun stuff too.) Except this month was another vet bill, so even though there is cash on hand, I just get freaky about spending even more money. So ....maybe next month. Which made wandering through Best Buy very annoying yesterday.
I'm not allowed to do any more shopping either, because last night I won 2 ebay dresses that I was sure I would be outbid on.
At least they were from the same seller, so I saved on postage.
I have been outside briefly, and I actually think it's less gross here today than it was last week. It's hot and sunny, whereas last week, it was less hot but completely soupy and grey and NAST.
I'm idly scanning headlines and come across
Avril Lavigne marries Sum guy
Um, ok?
So, PR watchers-- scandal is going down today! It's unclear to what extent this is a spoiler; it's previously unknown information about one of the contestants:
Obviously, some headline writer was having a slow day....
If anybody has seen my motivation lying around, would they send it my way?
It's unclear to what extent this is a spoiler; it's previously unknown information about one of the contestants
Interesting. Disappointing if it is a spoiler. I mean, kind of disappointing either way, but you know what I'm saying. Do you know what I'm saying?
Love that I can click through with no investment. Bravo-less and not watching PR.