From last night:
But I had to take a minute to convince myself that even though she was pretty, I could tell her she was smart, too. Does this make sense to anyone?
That's interesting to me. I remember when I was, oh, probably a freshman in high school, one of the guys I rode the bus with (it was just me and a bunch of guiys for about half an hour before the only other girl on the route got on) said something about girls being either smart or pretty but not both (it was like a discovery he had made, that that was true), and I asked, well where do I fall? And he looked at me and said "You aren't smart" and I was so pleased. And even at the time, part of me was thinking "what bullshit, don't be happy about that", and yet I was.
I don't think that trope affects how I compliment other people, though.
I just read over at Readerville that Anthony Bourdain and the No Reservations crew are stranded in Beirut.
Well, the Spy Museum was fun and interesting and gave G and I more things to put on our Netflix lists...
bonus, fun at the spy museam and movie reccomendations !
That's worrisome, about Bourdain.
Fighting with my desktop, which has decided to give up the ghost, I fear. All my music!
Just dropping in to say that I'm glad Nilly is okay.
Carry on.
Writing elsewhere.
I made my neighbor cry. All I did was pick up some spray starch and soda for her. Oh, and the card for taking care of Devi. I just wrote how I was thankful to know her and have her for a neighbor. And ok, I cried too. Sympathetic crier, that's me. But I did want her to know how much I appreciate her. Cause she's awesome.
I really need to load a new OS on my mac. But I'm convinced I'll do something stupid and I can't recall the admin password and I'm not sure if I'll need it or not. Whoops.