I bet they do know and they're just not telling. Selfish bastards.
Or really, I figure that they know it's a freaky mutation but they don't know what caused it.
My current theory is that the fabric of space-time has become dirty, thus causing friction that slows down clocks.
There's a funny piece by... someone... that explains that the sun isn't actually hot, it's just that sunlight is heated up by all the friction when it enters our atmosphere.
The sun is a mass of incandescent gas, a gigantic nuclear furnace. Where hydrogen is built into helium at a temperature of millions of degrees.
You're not the boss of me.
::sends prosthetic forehead to Jessica::
Guys, don't let's start.
clearly I'm all about the 80's alternative, cause now I'm earwormed with "Don't Let's Start" They Might Be Giants, I think?
Today I weeded my little bitty garden and bought myself a birthday cake. Since it's Ouise's birthday too, I should go have another piece. For her.
They Might Be Giants, I think?
psst...look at the two posts above mine...and one below...
Happy Birthday Zenkitty!
I know that the season premiere of SG-1 is on tonight-- if I haven't seen any of it, can I just jump in, or do I need to catch up first?
Not quite as interesting as the two-faced kitten, but here is a lobster with a half-pigmented body. It looks like someone cut two lobsters in half and stuck them together -- very weird!