On his current assessment of Vosovic: "My darling little Dan has become a terrible diva. And it's really unattractive. . . . He's been offered several jobs. He's turned down everything. They're not good enough for him."
It's funny, with just they little bit we've seen this season, I was thinking that very thing.
Because it's 4 and I'm stuck here at least another hour.
My current theory is that the fabric of space-time has become dirty, thus causing friction that slows down clocks.
Happy Birthday, 'Ouise!
Kitten born with two faces:
A kitten has been born with two faces and veterinarians don't understand why.
The kitten was born Wednesday morning in Ohio. It has two mouths that meow in unison, two noses and four eyes that have not opened yet.
The little boy who owns the cat said he hasn't decided on a name for the kitten yet, but said he wants to name it Tiger.
Two other kittens were in the same litter, but they are normal.
Veterinarians say this occurrence is very rare, but the kitten could be just fine. It has already begun nursing just like the other kittens in the litter.
Click through for the picture.
Kitten born with two faces:
No way am I looking at that picture. Is this what happens after high-level doses of Cute Overload?
The little boy who owns the cat said he hasn't decided on a name for the kitten yet, but said he wants to name it Tiger.
It should totally be named 'Janus.'
I'd go for the obvious and name it "Mother in Law".
Kitten born with two faces:
OMG! I SAW ONE OF THOSE ONCE! (I made quite a scene of it on my livejournal!)
I'd name it "Ethan Rayne", but that's related to what tommyrot said, natch.
Maybe "Harvey"?
Or "Harvey Dent" so there's no wabbit confusion.