Almost every series I've ever watched requires that couple days, or even just one day, between episodes so you don't notice all the continuity errors and reset buttons. (The first season of 24 was terrible this way.)
I'm exactly the opposite. The main problem I have with Netflix is that I sometimes have to wait a week between eps (the horror!), and I love watching them on DVD because then I don't forget stuff in between. Different strokes, and all that. I also miss the episode guides and pictures that often come with, but I'm still happy with my 2 at a time subscription.
I remembered to renew my library books! In your FACE, late fees!
Also, I have watched PR and BB and all is well in my reality-tv world.
watching the beginning of the GA repeat shows me that we saw a lot about what was to come with Izzy later on. ok, now to bed.
You guys made me sign up for a trial of Netflix. We shall see.
I like to mix stuff up so I get a variety every week.
Suprise -- I went for the Buffy and Angel DVD'd first.eika, you DID have a direct influence on my queue; I added Deadwood and Oz, first season, first dicks, to see if I liked them.
Don't watch them together. Is probably too much.
But other than that, cool!
But I'm only Stringer to Corwood's Avon in re "Deadwood". By which, I mean he's the brains. I'm more the public face, cause I look pretty in a suit.
(/ mixed metaphors like carrots)
What, moi, a typo? Never!
What, moi, a typo? Never!
Dude, you've got a typo in your tagline. Which is moot. The important thing is that you had a very precious precocious appehension of the essential Erinesque virtues.