Tonight is Pilots From The Free Table Night over here, so we just watched Heroes and Studio 60.
is good -- definitely gets better once they're past the midpoint, because it's very top heavy with exposition. Characters having conversations like "Yes, I know, I sound like my father." "Well, you always did want his approval." and so on.
But the last ten minutes are pretty great. A few really neat things happen, and the writing actually starts moving the plot forward instead of just introducing people. Plus, Adrian Pasdar! On TV again!
I know Greg Grunberg appears at some point, but the screeners that were sent out were only half of a two-hour pilot, so I haven't met him yet.
Studio 60 was also really good -- it does not get bogged down in exposition, and the writing is top notch all the way through. Matthew Perry is kind of amazingly good. He's hysterically funny, and yet not at all playing Chandler. The whole cast has terrific chemistry.
sara - let me know when you need me to come to town as your fake girlfriend.
I am up too late, but I had good decompression tonight after a super vfrustrating day to end a really frustrating week. Hung out with 2 different friends at their places (about an hour at each - only a block apart from each other).
Studio 60 was also really good -- it does not get bogged down in exposition, and the writing is top notch all the way through. Matthew Perry is kind of amazingly good. He's hysterically funny, and yet not at all playing Chandler. The whole cast has terrific chemistry.
I'm totally looking forward to this.
I'm quite flattered by the deceitful (and not) offers, but really, I think I can manage this.
You sure, Sara? I could bring Ozzie for a visit.
Shame about Spelling. He made some very watchable and some good TV.
RAGE BOY FUN! Mister Kitty would try to make nice and look all bewildered. After 3 (? I'm not sure when I got MK) he still tries to make friends with Dev and is confused when she goes all cuisinart on him
Huh. I just read a piece that said that Tori reconciled with him. It seemed to be a post-stroke thing. I hope it was true.
Watching Saved. I'm not sold. I can't dig Tom Everett Scott, for some reason. I'm not sure if it's him or the script. I mean, Ewan could seel me that script, but he could sell me egg salad.
mmm Ewan.
on that note I will say goodnight.
So, tomorrow, I'm going to my first ever major league baseball game.
Is there anything I should know?