Save the date cards assume you don't have the details, right? Like, say, location? A friend insisted on sending out save the date text messages, but I told her I'd be ignoring her until the actual evite. And lo'n'behold, the dates kept changing until the evite went out.
Silly rabbit.
Also, people should reply to evites. It's only polite.
I've already have my time sheets for the week entered, and I've even resorted to texting people.
Also, people should reply to evites. It's only polite.
Yes, they really should.
Also, people should reply to evites. It's only polite.
God, yes. I feel a little bad that I never changed my "maybe" for a thing I'm not going to tonight, but at least I said that!
I've even resorted to texting people.
Save the date thingummies?
The con call people are discussing relative weather hazards. Dust storms sound horrible.
I shouldn't be here. My writeup skiving should be dedicated to my status report which is already ten minutes overdue.
I agree with the evites, but find I often have to go with "maybe."
perkins, you should take the docs on that thing that is still in progress to work on a memory stick for any downtimes. also coach post.
Should I be worried that I didn't understand a thing msbelle just said?
find I often have to go with "maybe."
You know, I think that's cool. I'm anal retentive answer girl, so I always answer right away which means I end up maybeing every now and again. It's a thing.
Okay, right, status report.
Save the date thingummies?
Nope. Called Juliana a dweeb.
perkins, you should take the docs on that thing that is still in progress to work on a memory stick for any downtimes. also coach post.
You know, when you talked about the first thing earlier, I thought you meant the second. Don't other people need to do stuff with the first?
Should I be worried that I didn't understand a thing msbelle just said?
Nope. I do, so it's all good.
bon bon, Go Fug Yourself agrees with your Kate Bosworth assessment from this morning: [link]