All the shelves had glass vases on them. There was quite a fuss - DC is a very book-y town.
Yeah, I was wondering about that when the woman who wrote the Free Style article was talking about books being only for artful display, and in small numbers. Methinks that designer doesn't really have a handle on D.C. Or, apparently, design.
(Now my head is all stuck on "
is neither free nor stylish. Discuss.")
Man, she looks horrible. Did she get locked in a basement for a couple of months?
I'll be in a writing induced panic all weekend. And picking up my headshots from Samy's. Maybe get the car washed before I go completely psychotic.
Hey, Allyson, have you heard from G or J lately?
Now, see, I have friends who are that skinny, but none of them look that WRONG skinny.
Nope! I miss them.
Me too. They haven't been returning emails lately, and it's beginning to worry/bother me.
So, what are people doing this weekend?
Running, buy new running shoes (hopefully), have friend over to watch newsradio s.4 DVDs, buy newsradio s.4 DVDs, clean apartment before friend can come over to watch DVDs, midnight improv show saturday
weekend - A/C getting fixed (hopefully), ballet, shopping with a friend, cooking, SLEEP, and church.
So, what are people doing this weekend?
Same thing we do every weekend, Pinky!
Driving to Marathon, hopefully. If the road is still under construction, then I'll hold the map in front of Mallory and wherever he points to is where we'll go.