Oh lord. The overarching authority for my place of work just did something so boneheadedly STUPID, even I'm surprised. Yeah, it is SUCH a good idea to block all internet traffic coming from one of your largest facilities that works with ours. @@
I should have gone to bed much earlier than I did last night.
bon, I saw that tv thing. It was good. And spooky.
Heh, just thought of that myself (what ita posted and I edited).
bon, what's your tag about?
bon, what's your tag about?
It was a comment here: [link] that made me laugh from random.
I knew there was something familiar about it.
Happy Birthday, Steph!
Oh, I love that part! Girl is very funny.
It was so great where she's describing Clay announcing to the crowd that she was there, and her husband immediately grabbing her arm and saying "We have to leave NOW!"
I was also thrilled to hear a couple weeks ago that Kathy and Matt reconciled.
67 percent of the TMS-treated patients reported their fealty to Clovis the Bunny, versus 2 percent of the placebo group.
From the Department of Duhhhhhhhhhhh, Scientists recommend you not use your cell phone outside during a thunderstorm.
Esprit and other doctors at the hospital added in a letter to the British Medical Journal that usually when someone is struck by lightning, the high resistance of the skin conducts the flash over the body in what is known as a flashover.
But if a metal object, such as a phone, is in contact with the skin it disrupts the flashover and increases the odds of internal injuries and death.
You know, just in case people were thinking it was a good idea to be outside during a lightning storm holding a metal antennae against your head.