I am a very bad dog parent.
Took the girl out last night, and we ran into one of my neighbors, so I was looking at him and not really looking at the dog and there was a bike chained up to a parking meter and the helmet was attached down near the pedals and by the time I noticed what was there I'm almost sure she peed on it.
Mind you, in this neighborhood, chances are she was far from the first, but yeouch. So, um, sorry guy. Really, really sorry.
Happy Anniversaries Fred & Hubs and amych & mr. amych!!!
I am glad I did not have my bike chained up in Brenda's neighborhood!
Happy Anniversaries amych and DH, and Fred and Hubs !
Bartleby peed on a neighbors boxwood that is 4 steps above the street. It was my fault. I stopped to pet the neighbor's rottie as they were coming out for their own walk. The fellow bellowed (former Marine general, no less) "I should pee in YOUR yard!" I allowed as how he should, he really should. He seemed mollified. I was mortified. It was 'fied.
So, um, sorry guy. Really, really sorry.
Dogs pee. Sometimes dogs pee on things. That's life.
Years ago I drove my parents' 10 year old Grand Marquis to San Francisco. I was staying at some friends' house in El Cerito. The next morning I noticed some fluid on the front tire. My first thought was that something was leaking, so (before I could realize that wasn't really possible for car fluids to leak on the outside sidewall of the tire) I put my finger on the fluid and smelled it to see what it was....
In happier news, researchers are working on a way to zap away migraines: [link]
Edit: I'd try to talk Deadwood with -t, but I gotta go to bed so I can get up at the crack of HOLY CRAP IT'S EARLY to catch my flight. See y'all on the other side!
Is that earlier or later than Stupid O'Clock in the morning?
Also, I've started watching DEADWOOD. I'd seen a few random episodes from the first and second seasons, and decided just to take the plunge and play catch up with 3 (and also have season 1 due to arrive any day). Somewhat confusing sorting out some of who's who, but I'm definitely enjoying it so far.
Happy anniversary to them that's celebrating them.
Any of you morbid weirdos who wan'ted to see a picture of my ankle, here. The bruising is fading from yesterday, and the massive swelling is finally going down, but we're still twitchy enough about it that I have a call into the doctor to get his opinion.
U.S. losing its middle-class neighborhoods
Metro areas show widening gap between rich and poor sections
INDIANAPOLIS - Middle-class neighborhoods, long regarded as incubators for the American dream, are losing ground in cities across the country, shrinking at more than twice the rate of the middle class itself.
In their place, poor and rich neighborhoods are both on the rise, as cities and suburbs have become increasingly segregated by income, according to a Brookings Institution study released today. It found that as a share of all urban and suburban neighborhoods, middle-income neighborhoods in the nation's 100 largest metro areas have declined from 58 percent in 1970 to 41 percent in 2000.
Good thing we gave all those tax cuts to the middle class instead of the rich, seeing as the rich are already doing so well....