Corwood, which hotel lost your reservations so I can warn people not to book there?
Best Western. Actually, I made the rez over the phone, and the guy had it marked as July instead of June. So they didn't really lose it, but they screwed up and didn't offer me anything to fix matters.
You do rule, Jesse. YAY YOU!
Are the teachers prohibited from having peanut butter at home, too?
Ha. If they'd only made the teachers follow the routine the children had to follow, everything might be different.
Best Western. Actually, I made the rez over the phone, and the guy had it marked as July instead of June. So they didn't really lose it, but they screwed up and didn't offer me anything to fix matters.
Wow. That's acutally worse in my mental book.
Glad you found something, though.
Tommy, Brenda, do you have any vet recommendations? I'd like to find one relatively close.
Tommy, Brenda, do you have any vet recommendations? I'd like to find one relatively close.
I've been going to North Ave. Animal Hospital since I lived in Wicker Park. But that's not all that close to you, huh?
That's pretty bad, Corwood. I can't believe they couldn't/wouldn't do anything for you.
So, last week were you visited by yourself from the future, telling you to fix the issue?
Ha ha. No, the issue came up in a meeting with other people last week, but only got to the higher-up this week, I guess. Of course, re-reading the email that I sent about it, I now realize it didn't quite make any sense. Ah well! Here's hoping the person who got it knew what I really meant. Even though I didn't.
Not really.
Uptown to Rogers Park is my preferred range, but I have info on Cat Hospital of Chicago on Irving Park that I'm considering.
Why is it I always get involved with businesses that are really good at what they do, but rather bad at phoning back in a timely manner? Or if they do return my call, they call the house when I'm at work and vice versa. It's a minor thing, really. But it forces me to do the calling and then I feel like a nag and am certain I've become That Woman to the staff. Ack.
Corwood, for what it's worth I stayed at the 6th Avenue Inn when I was in Seattle - yikes! 12 years ago! - and it was fine. Nothing fancy, but not creepy or anything.