The last five minutes of RM were, uh, controversial, shall we say.
Oh hells yes. I'm still trying to figure out what I think about it. I mean, they've
certainly portrayed Tommy as an irredeemable asshole before, but what REALLY bothers me is I'm not sure that's how they intended the audience to feel about what he did this time.
I think I'm going to have to see if there's any fallout (and, if so, what) before I give up on it, but I'm not sure I want to keep going, honestly.
I'm sad Jesus and Mary Mag. haven't been back.
Janet's reacton weird
And I thought that
Johnny running in like that was odd to. . . I mean - did he EXPECT Tommy to do something like that?
And otherwise -- can you believe that
Franco told the Susan Sarandon character about stealing his daughter? I bet she steals her from him. And leaves the country. She has resources!
I kind of can't believe that fluffernutters are actually considered appropriate school lunch food.
And they currently have it
than once a week?
Now I want peanut butter.
Janet's reaction was exactly what made me go WTFF? Also, the smug look on Tommy's face when he's driving off - at first I thought they were going to go with him feeling like a shit, but they went another way. As for Johnny, I think he was more afraid of her getting beat up, I think, or the house getting trashed, I think.
As I said, I hope there's some kind of fallout. Very disturbing. As for the other thing,
I can totally see that, but I wouldn't be surprised if she tried to take her via legal means, or at least threaten it if Franco if he tries to break it off.
What I REALLY want to know was what happened
after Proby (it was Proby, wasn't it?) and his roommate got into that fight. I expected to see a shot of them in bed, beat to shit, naked and smoking.
Happy Birthday Epic!
Ah, a Wednesday morning without a conference call is like a breath of spring air.
So the day isn't starting off well when you want to slap people for asking stupid questions, right? Especially when your employment is somewhat reliant on stupid questions?
Ah -- I've got
Rescue Me
to look forward to tonight. Watched Mike Rowe's misadventures with
Dirty Jobs
last night instead and then fell into bed.
Now I want peanut butter.
I never *don't* want peanut butter. It's a universal constant: the Earth will rotate on it's axis, ugly clothes will come back into fashion, and Steph wants peanut butter. Always.
I want Reese peanut butter cups. Not quite as much a constant as Steph and peanut butter, but right up there with my desire for world peace and Jon Stewart.