I read somewhere (maybe the elephant crying book) about how a lot of the "animals just don't..." comes from Christian theology rather than actual research and over time it dismissing anthrpomorphizing came to be accepted as fact. That doesn't mean animals DO X, Y and Z, but its certainly worth researching.
Yeah, it's a difficult area to research, because basically we can observe behaviour, and some brain wave stuff, and how do you prove or disprove emotion, intention or awareness from that? There are a fair few preconceived notions in every direction. I still love whatever we can find out, of course. And I still have ideological objections to eating octopus, and for that matter lynching monkeys as French spies.
That's an awesome story, Herah. Your daughter is six? That seems awfully old....
It is awfully old. This is my younger daughter -- she was a baby when I first posted here.
Tonight I caught her twin brother reading his tiny-print Bible by the nightlight. He said, "Mommy, what does it mean, the lips of an immoral woman drip with honey?" One of those questions parents love in the middle of the night.
My favorite Calvin Trillin quip is his nickname for the ubiquitous pundits of cable: Sabbath Gasbags, so called for their Sunday morning bloviations.
Gah. I must quit before I double post again.
sorry to interrupt, but I need help. What is the name of Giles's girlfriend in Hush?
BTW, miss you all but am swamped by life.
Olivia? Not sure if that's right but I THINK it is. Also, hi!
Herah, you have the cute kids. How did you answer?
Thank you, lovely people.
Hi David!
Robin, you are gorgeousity incarnate and that's all I have to say.
I can't believe I forgot Olivia's name. I need my card revoked.
Okay, disappearing back into the ether until I have more time.