What, exactly, is "a person of gender" supposed to be?!
OMG, I can still get really mad about that shit. Like men don't have gender?!? White people don't have race?!?!?!? Anglos don't have ethnicity?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!@@@@@
My 2pm meeting got postponed and then cancelled, A Good Thing. It would have been my third update meeting this week, mostly with all the same people. @@
yeah, don't like...if it pisses you off that male is the default normal, you ought not to act that way yourself.
And like people are gonna take that up! "She thought she could reform him with the love of a good person of gender."
I note in passing that urine, while 'yucky', is mostly sterile, i.e. you can actually use it to wash out wounds in survival situations. It'd be like brushing your teeth with alcohol, though perhaps not as fun.
Geez, am I glad they invented toothpaste.
There was possibly some cheering outside my office just now. We're trying to figure out, if it's world cup related, who on earth they were cheering for. Was it some crew of expats from Deutsche Bank? People in an English pub down the street? Trinidadian construction workers? We have no idea. Of course, it was probably something completely unrelated.
Of the 3, Jesse, #3 is the most likely. Germany-Ecuador ended some time ago.
Really, none of them is likely, given our exact location. Maybe it was fake-cheering related to Spiderman 3. Who knows?
How did they "stale" the urine?
Fresh urine
(while no more gross) is right there. To let it sit around a while in a flagon or a wineskin means keeping it around. And do you only use your OWN stale urine? Or is there a family bucket? Somehow it seems ever so slightly less disgusting to brush with just your own old pee.
I think I missed the beginning of the urine conversation. Which is rather confusing.
Now I have to pee.