I think we were just talking about robots having sex with other robots. Or maybe I just forgot about the robot/human sex part of the discussion....
I think you're right. It was a link about robot on robot, and when people asked what the point was, I said it was probably to train robots to have sex with humans.
Then I missed Oz, who would totally get it.
Lots more people have sex with robots than you think.
I was hearkening back to the earlier discussion.
I am SWAMPED at work. and over half my tasks are things other people have to do work on.
I have a feeling that robot sex may be the new Magic Bullet.
Lots more people have sex with robots than you think.
well, now, that depends on how you define robot.
# A mechanical device that sometimes resembles a human and is capable of performing a variety of often complex human tasks on command or by being programmed in advance.
# A machine or device that operates automatically or by remote control.
Lots more people have sex with robots than you think.
Oh dear, that just caused a wild train of thought (that I wish had derailed prior to departure).
You see those robot chickens back there, Jack? There were some good looking robot chickens.
t /Midnight Run
I don't officially start for 2 more minutes, and I am already done with all of my work.
It's gonna be a loooong day.
Sounds like you deserve a bonus, Perkins!
Y'all, I was quoting Spike.
That's it.