Tell me you're suffering from frappe deprivation or something, or we're going to have you blackballed from your local packie. If you don't get it together, people are going to be ragging on you wicked bad at the water bubbler, come Monday.
Aw. I am definitely suffering from frappe deprivation!! Man, I wish I had a coffee frappe right now. And I think I finally ditched the hundreds of bottles of coffee syrup my grandmother had given me over the years, so I can't even make my own. (In my world, a coffee frappe is the best frappe.)
I had a lovely evening with friends and sushi and sitting outside, but gotDAMN am I tired.
I am trying to figure out how I can start fitting yoga classes back into my life.
I've forgotten what exactly a frappe is. I'm from the midwest; we either don't have them here or call them something else. I am, though, in favor of anything coffee flavored.
You would call it a milkshake, Sail.
I am hoping that at some point I'll be able to do something other than work a (not very long) workday and then go to bed, and yoga seems like it would be a good call.
May I suggest roller skating?
HA! you people are hilarious. holler at me if you want to go to yoga sometime. I think I am going to try to fit in a class this weekend and then I found 7pm classes next week.
Work came close to reducing me to tears. Not only was it a stressful, awful day, but the air conditioning broke. It was 91 degrees in my office by 2pm. I was dealing with enormous stress, realizing I had to do several things over again due t someone else's complete fuckup, and it just kept getting hotter.
If the AC isn't fixed on Monday, I think I'm perfectly right in either a) going home, or b) demanding that they give me a loaner laptop and allowing me to work in another part of the building.