Ahrg. Can I yank the idiot who is using bogus contact emails throught the internet and strangle him? I have to check out the content of emails bounced to this mailbox, and it's being flooded with a kajillion of these responses. The point of allowing them to provide a contact address is so that if something goes wrong, we can contact them and they can track their thingie. It isn't a space for you to fill in your clever gibberish.
kicks stupid people
Also, why is it so hard to remember how to spell judgment correctly?
I know! I have the same problem with privilege.
spell 'em wrong, I say, it toughens up the reader.
This sounds like a punchline, but I struggle every time I spell "commitment".
My brain wants it to be "committment"
I can't believe Bob Woodruff is up and running, really. The human body + modern medicine really is a miracle.
spell 'em wrong, I say, it toughens up the reader.
Ha. Are you the person who keeps sending me the spam wtih erevy wrod slelped lkie tihs?? (Edit: Not spam. The other thing. The annoying forwards from people you know.)
You'll need to take that to the committee.
I used to be able to spell naturally, but have found that this talent is leaving me and now I have to look things up. I don't like it.
I used to be able to spell naturally, but have found that this talent is leaving me and now I have to look things up.
It's the internet. All that bad spelling is contagious. You've been infected.
Until college, my big hard-to-spell word was "separate." I always had to write both "seperate" and "separate" and stare at them both before I would pick out the correct one. Then, my boss at the college library told me his trick for spelling it: "Just remember, there's always A RAT in 'sep-a-rate.'" Since then, I've never had a problem with it!
I caught a snippet the press conference this morning when Bush was taking questions and it seemed to me that he was razzing one of the reporters about his tie, but apparently forgot the word "tie" and called it a "scarf" then "that thing around your neck", then said something else sorta strange. I was making the kids' breakfast at the time so I didn't really catch it all, but it came across as very strange. Hopefully TDS will pick it up. It was surreal.
I hope so. I avoided the press conference per usual. But at my dentist, they have these small, flat panel screen tv's on the walls in all the treatment rooms so the patients can watch tv and Shrub was seemingly on every channel. The assistant was nice enough to switch it to something else for me when I requested it.