Happy anniversary, Megan! Is it enough of an excuse to wear that gorgeous dress you got from your DH?
Alas no. I am wearing my black vintage 1950/60s dress with the diamond pattern though. It seemed to provoke random smiles from strangers when I went out for a walk at lunch.
Happy Anniversary, Megan!
I like to flash Leif one of the Ching Sing signs
We do that too!
strange 70s pop songs about death
What was the Bobby Goldsboro one? Sunny? Or Sunny's Tree?
edit: Honey [link]
I'm getting some kind of Wishverse/Ghost crossover.
We do that too!
Awesome, Mal and Leif can learn martial arts and fight crime together.
Happy anniversary, Megan and Mr. Megan!
To really disgust Hec, check out the sooo cute kitty!!
So very cute.
Happy Anniversary, Megan!
Also, in the 70s death song group, let's not forget, "Billy, Don't Be a Hero."
My computer is in the shop (sniff), so I'm online at the library. But my time is about up. Good weeks, all.
What was the Bobby Goldsboro one? Sunny? Or Sunny's Tree? edit: Honey
Still my pick for No. 1 on the top 40 in hell.
Alas no. I am wearing my black vintage 1950/60s dress with the diamond pattern though.
t appreciative wolf whistle
Happy Anniversary!!
that folgers commercial is makeing me reconsider my anti gun stance.
thank goodness there were cute kitties to bring me down
happy 'versary to the megans!