Looks great Dana, -- and it looks more lively
-Mario Batali-
dirves me batshit on the food channel - I watch him just to yell at the tv. he keeps talking about 'this is the authentic way' followed almost immediatly by ' every one grandmaother in the the village would have thier own receipe" - whihch of course means you can make it differently
And Perkins, the Hustle discs came yesterday. Thanks!
Yay. I hope you like the show.
Love the hair, Dana! I'm getting mine chopped tonight, so I, too, will be able to experience bouncy hair (and shorter drying time).
Dana, the cut looks great and you've got such gorgeous shining -- Dawn-level shiny hair.
Awww, Dana, it really looks great. So flattering to your face. You look very pretty. Wearing it down is a good option for you.
Definitely shorter than bra strap, but more than shoulder length so limited trauma. Go you with the boldness and the new look.
you've got such gorgeous shining -- Dawn-level shiny hair.
Yes, this. Dana, faboo hair.
Dana, that haircut looks fabulous.
Dana, your hair looks awesome.
Dana, love your hair! It looks shiny and healthy and bouncy!