Emily, maybe provide an example of what you're looking for?
I suppose. Mind you, this is the final draft, so she's not going to be changing it. I just want a quick (less writing for me, with 30 papers to grade and me a math teacher) way of explaining why this isn't how we do it.
I would be afeared to eat a Libido Burrito.
I think I missed the Dana new hair pics.
Hmm. Is the fact that I'm going home alone after eating a Libido Burrito a good or a bad thing?
I just want a quick (less writing for me, with 30 papers to grade and me a math teacher) way of explaining why this isn't how we do it.
Yeah, I think a little handout for everyone might be just the thing.
I would be afeared to eat a Libido Burrito.
At least you have a husband.
Nice crosspost, tommyrot.
I just want a quick (less writing for me, with 30 papers to grade and me a math teacher) way of explaining why this isn't how we do it.
"Need individual citations for references -2",
Well, okay, yeah. I was thinking I'd give her some reasoning, but honestly, she should ask her English teacher. I'm sure she/he doesn't accept this sort of thing as a citation.
Mmm. This is the best burrito I've ever had. Or maybe it's the salsa.
In any event, I'll be going home happy....
Emily, could you ding her for it, but allow her to earn it partially back by submitting a revised bibliography? I realize time is limited, but she should learn how to do it properly. Hey, and a lesson to include for future classes!
Last time I wrote a paper, we weren't so internet savvy. Which is freaky. I used it to FIND references, sure-but only a few, but then had to traipse to the library for the paper copies!
Even more freaky is that part of my job now involves reading papers and linking them to original data, so scientists, when they read a paper, can get to the source data and rerun it or incorporate it into their own research. And the data is available online. It's kind of mindblowing. It's a tedious task and yet when I look at the numbers and find out how heavily this utility is used, I'm a bit blown away. It turns out it is making a huge impact in research.