You know, it seems like a too small to be away from the mommy chihuahua would be REALLY hard to hit someone with.
Also, I think I am getting old, because, though I loved The Outsiders (book more than movie), it occurs to me that parents who named their eldest, responsible son a normal name (Darrin) would not suddenly name their youngest children Sodapop and Ponyboy. It seems to me...
Although I do remember crying like a crying thing when the "stay gold.." thing happ[ened.
I now have a lot less hair.
Wait, were those supposed to be their real names? That's wacky. Although I have known families where the kids had radically differing names over time.
Dana! How is it???
Dana has short(ish) hair! Wow!
I have never seen Dana in person, but I do imagine her with long hair from all the talk earlier.
Also, in the book, I believe Pnyboy makes a big deal taht it is his real name, demonstrating the kind of carefree parents he had. I could be mistaken, as it is probably 20 years since I have read the book, but I did read it a number of times. And I can still remember that it was onbe of the only books in the library that the "popular" kids also checked out, as back in that day, you had to write your name on a card with all the other people who took the book out, in order to get it out of the library.
it occurs to me that parents who named their eldest, responsible son a normal name (Darrin) would not suddenly name their youngest children Sodapop and Ponyboy. It seems to me...
Heh -- I think Plei might disagree.
I have never seen Dana in person, but I do imagine her with long hair from all the talk earlier.
Wasn't Dana at the first F2F?
I swear she was! In which case, missy, HAVE SO.
Heh -- I think Plei might disagree.
Yeah, I'm sandwiched between Alison and Ian.
Wasn't Dana at the first F2F?
She was. Along with her hair.
(ahem. WANT PICS. thankyouverymuch.)
Phew! For a minute, I thought I was Mentally Inserting Dana, which I'm certain I'd do to any place I felt Dana Should Be But Wasn't, but I really, really, really remembered her being there.