Drew, do you think we'll be back from HotR in time to go to dinner with Vortex and crew? I'd love to be added to the reservation if it's cool with you.
Vortex, I'll call tomorrow afternoon if I can make it down in time for dinner at the Hookah. I'm not sure what time DH will get home in time for me to drive down. I'm hoping to get down there by 6 p.m.
Cash, I think the Hookah reservation is for Saturday before Prom.
From the Mpls StarTribune:
Summer...officially begins at 6:59 p.m. Friday.
This is the first time since 1896 - 112 years - that the summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere has occurred before June 21, according to the William M. Staerkel Planetarium at Parkland College in Champaign, Ill.
According to the science-advocacy website www.earthsky.org, the time of the summer solstice is officially 11:59 p.m. June 20 Coordinated Universal Time as measured at the prime meridian at Greenwich, England.
So 7Pm Friday in Madison is Solstice time!
But that's good! That means you can definitely come, right?
t is hopeful
Yeah, I should be able to come. Add me, Vortex, please.
Vortex, add us too, please? I'm making an executive decision since ND isn't around.
I can haz Ginger! Yes, they finally deighned to let her on the flight from Milwaukee. The last seat on the plane. Whoo!
Vortex, is there room for me and Ginger for the restaurant Saturday night? No big if there isn't, it just sounds like fun.
not a problem. I made a reservation for 6 people to start, I think it won't be a problem to change it, but I will have to call tomorrow.
okay, house clean(ish), mostly packed, to bed in a few.
what is going on for Friday night?
(and I just landed in Chicago and await my baggage.)