Dim sum and dem-some.
(Sorry. Thta's the name of a restaurant.)
I am also preparing for napping (I'm in the pre-napping meditation phase). Cold medicine has been taken....
Plan what to do, what to wear (you can never go wrong with a corset), and get ready for the next BuffistaCon: Madison, WI from June 20-22 2008! Official website.
Dim sum and dem-some.
(Sorry. Thta's the name of a restaurant.)
I am also preparing for napping (I'm in the pre-napping meditation phase). Cold medicine has been taken....
We've just finished our tour(s) of the crazyass house and are about to begin the drive back. I'm thinking that a pre-prom nap may be in the cards for me, too.
F2F late-night Friday Madness! (Pictures. Parental guidance suggested.)
I told Pete, for real hilarity, you need to get MM in a tutu. Tights are not enough.
Going to ring people shortly, but if Fay or AmyLiz see this, what time were you planning on getting back here to get ready? Because Nic has to get down there relatively early, with half the PA in the back seat.
I'm thinking I may go down with him, let him and Matt unload, then I'll drive back here and bring us all back down together.
Into shower and ringing my hairdresser. Exhausted beyond the knowledge of man, but at least I know what I'm wearing. That's a start...
Damn, the vid show rocked. Made me fall in love with the shows all over again.
I am posting from Perkins' laptop, though, sadly, she wasn't logged in, so I have to post as me and not her.
I actually have nothing of interest to post, but I felt that I'd be neglecting the spirit of the F2F if I didn't actually post to the thread while I'm actually at the F2F.
I sure hope I have more energy tonight than I did last night, because my body kept insisting that it was Eastern Time Zone time and I collapsed in bed long before the Miracleman-in-tights horror debacle event.
Also, Pete has no need for lard, which is just freaky and wrong-headed.
Also, did I miss Bridget at the HS? Sad now.
But it was okay, because Bridget came thrifting, and was v. cute. So that worked out.
...I have two maternity dressy dresses that I'm still way too small for, and a number of nifty vintage dresses and slinky modern things that I'm way too big for. I would go naked with a cunning hat, but the body image demons would devour me and pick their teeth with my bones.
Well, the body image demons might try, but I'm thinking that they wouldn't be able to fight their way through the crowd of swooning and besmitten Buffistafolk.
I'm ready to head to SF but have no idea where Prom is being held. Please email me the deets if you see this message. THX.
I'm just assuming the follwing [link] is accurate. If not, I'll report back here.