It looks more and more like I may be in Egypt, or in transit from Egypt, at F2F time. And I suppose I did make it to one just two years ago, but still. Dammit, I love F2Fs.
'A Hole in the World'
F2F 4: Too Much Candy, Never Enough Mojitos.
Plan what to do, what to wear (you can never go wrong with a corset), and get ready for the next BuffistaCon: Madison, WI from June 20-22 2008! Official website.
It looks more and more like I may be in Egypt, or in transit from Egypt, at F2F time. And I suppose I did make it to one just two years ago, but still. Dammit, I love F2Fs.
Eh, just blow off the Egypt thing. The pyramids have been around for several thousand years, they'll still be there after the F2F.
Remember Molly Ivins' suggestion for the Wisconsin state motto: Eat Cheese or Die
Okay, I'm not going to sugar-coat it. We can't have prom at the Candlewood on Saturday, June 21. Between the time I talked to them last week and yesterday, they gave that date away despite the fact we would need that date no matter which place our room block was in. We can have the event room for June 20th, which is Friday night.
Argh. The sales staff at this place is giving me a headache.
Do we want to go ahead with prom on Friday night or do I start looking at the Great Dane to see what they have for Saturday? It's just across the parking lot.
I vote for a Saturday prom and if it's only across the parking lot...
...thanks for putting up with sales staff headachery by the way, Sail.
I'll do my best to see if they have room. It's getting so late in the year, a lot of places are already booked. Just in case, I told Shannon we'd take the room for Friday. I can cancel at no cost up to 10 days before the event, so it's no sweat off our nose. Wish me party.
I second prom on Saturday if we can get a room.
From Googling, it looks like there's a Mexican place right there too?
I read that as porn for a second...the sentence still made a lot of sense.
Is that Casa Lara, brenda? It's about a long block away.