Epic, if you need a couch, I'm happy to offer you ours. You slept on it in our wee Berkeley apartment, only now it comes with en-suite and some actual privacy.
Hee. I felt like I had plenty of privacy at your place in Berkeley. I kept oversleeping & you and DH were such early birds, it was like having the place all to myself!
we can vouch for the goodness of Sparky accommodations.
I have already been the benificiary of Sparky & DH hospitality, so I know a good offer when I see it. But thanks for the rec anyway.
And for cuteness of Sparky puppy.
Ah see, the puppy I had not previously vetted. Good to have a rec for her too.
We're in Takoma Park, with easy Red-Line Metro access (about a mile flat walk through town, or a bus at the corner).
Heh. I have no idea what any of this means yet, but it's gotta be closer to all the cool tourist action than Pasadena.
I can't remember if allergies are an issue for you, but we do have a dog, now.
I am allergic. But if I can risk my cats, I think I can handle one little Sassy for one night. As long as she doesn't feel the need to share my pillow, we should be good.
All of that to say, I would be pleased as punch to
accept your hospitality again. But how am I ever gonna top my last hostess gift? ;)*
And when a man shares his goldfish, you know it's love.
I've certainly always found this to be the case.
*(Sorry to resort to an emoticon, but I felt that I topped my own smart-ass levels. Had to do something to thin out the sarcasm).
So, people, plans?
Vortex? Saturday lunch still work for you?
Anybody else? Sparky? Todd? bonny? Fred Pete? Who else is in DC these days?
gonna F2F in DC...squee!
Great, Epic! I'll send our details to your profile addy.
I am holding off on committing myself to social plans because I know we have an in-town wedding one of those weekends, but I can't remember which one, or if it is on the Sat or Sun.
The bride actually works here, but I've asked her twice now about the date and I'm too embarrassed to ask again.
I am holding off on committing myself to social plans because I know we have an in-town wedding one of those weekends, but I can't remember which one, or if it is on the Sat or Sun.
Well, since I can be social with you in your own living room, I guess I'm okay with you missing lunch. If you must.
The bride actually works here, but I've asked her twice now about the date and I'm too embarrassed to ask again.
This is so something I would do! I have an awesome memory most of the time, but every so often stuff just falls right out of the brain.
Epic, I'm definitely around but I'm so sick right now I can't see beyond my pillow. I will keep up here though and jump in where I can.
Two recommendations for tour-stuff.
[link] does great tours downtown. The one I took in October featured more standing than walking, but the guide was loads of fun and I learned stuff about the night of the Lincoln assassination I'd never heard in all my born days.
And [link] is a good deal that covers pretty much all the standard sites with a liberal on-off policy.
If you end up strolling the Mall and I'm not still sick, I'd be happy to join you during the day.
Pasadena, MD: [link]
I, too, love the Washington Walks bonny linked to -- the guide was a great storyteller and we had fun when we did the ghost one when my niece was visiting.
Face it, you live in the town that gave us the Little Old Lady
Why do you think she was driving so fast? To get to something.
Heh. I figured as much, but I couldn't resist an indignant "hey" anyway.
I haven't been following the thread, but has their been any planning for F2F 2008?
Not much. I was going to poke the thread about that again now that the holidays have passed. I'm concerned at this point that we won't be able to get decent rates.
Why do you think she was driving so fast? To get to something.
Excellent. Everyone drive away so that I can enjoy my awesome city!