I can't tell you the numbers , but I think public transportation is less of an issue as long as there enough places to eat within walking distance of the hotel. I've only been to two F2Fs SF and LA so I am not the final arbiter - but If I can eat, I can deal with the other issues. co-ordinating groups to go various places is complex even with public transportation. So the basics within walking distance is good. and no, I have no idea if I can go this year.
'Time Bomb'
F2F 4: Too Much Candy, Never Enough Mojitos.
Plan what to do, what to wear (you can never go wrong with a corset), and get ready for the next BuffistaCon: Madison, WI from June 20-22 2008! Official website.
dcp, I am quite familiar w/ the Botanical Gardens. It's one of my favorite places on earth.
In re beth's comment, I keep telling people "if you feed them they will come".
In re beth's comment, I keep telling people "if you feed them they will come".
That is one hell of a Pavlovian response.
Wrong thread. Der.
x-posty with Press:
F2F Jumpstart...
So I just watched Jessica's "Fucking Great" vid from the SF F2F the year before last and got all nostalgic. Since there aren't any current mini-F2Fs being discussed in thread, just thought I'd throw out a lure to see if anyone's ready to get back into planning mode for the annual F2F...if we want to have one in the Midwest this spring, we need to figure out the details soon to get a good deal on the hotel/Prom. We need to be booked before the New Year if at all possible.
Let the pimping resume?
I would try very hard to go to a F2F no matter where it is held. The closer it is to Chicago, the likelier I'd be to pull it off. My top three are:
1. Anyplace accessible by Chicago commuter rail. Some choices include Evanston, Geneva & Kenosha WI.
2. Kansas City
3. St Louis.
Those are all I recall from previous discussions. Were there others?
Detroit-ish (Ann Arbor, specifically, IIRC) is an obvious candidate, and I think Aimee has pimped it in the past. If not, this is not intended, and should not be considered as a nomination.
Hey Chicago-istas, it looks like my time tomorrow has been scheduled so thoroughly that I won't be able to meet up with anyone after all. Maybe next time.
I will start pulling together information on St. Louis. What sort of info goes into the initial round of pimping, again?