I don't really have much to say, but I could probably make it to Prom if it's a more NorthEasterly city (Boston, New York, Philly, Providence, etc.) by pulling the same bus deal I did today, but probably not anywhere else. Unless we do very late June, after I don't have students to herd, but that's unlikely I'd think.
Not that that's pimping.
I'd try to pimp NYC because I love it here ever so much, but I'm quite aware that a city where $250 for a hotel room is considered low end is probably out of the picture.
P-C, we'll be around on the 23rd but likely packing. Whee. You're welcome to help us packcome visit if you'd like!
Just for fun (and because I do indeed love New York) I found this through About.com, which claims The New Yorker Hotel has rooms for about $100. I don't think it's impossible to find them, especially with a group rate.
P-C, we'll be around on the 23rd but likely packing. Whee. You're welcome to come visit if you'd like!
Aw! I don't know about my mobility. I'll be staying with a friend. I'll look into it.
Is that the one just north of the Charles River, near the indie cineplex?
There are a bunch of hotels right in Harvard Square so I don't know which one you're thinking of, Matt. But the one I'm talking about is this one.
Although, I'm now seeing rooms in the $150 range so they either upped their rates significantly in the past year, or else I'm not looking in the right place. I fear it's the former...
Jon, while that hotel looks lovely, I'm not sure it has everything we want. It doesn't look like they have suites, for the hospitality suite, or any kind of meeting room/ballroom we could have prom in.
I've been doing some looking, though, while waiting to get my hands on the RFP, and I don't think we'll have any trouble getting a place in our price range. Harvard Square is a wonderful, idea, though.
And may I throw an idea in? if we like a city but the central hotels are too expensive, if there's good public transit outlying areas might be a possibility.
Yeah, we did well going to Evanston for Chicago.
if we like a city but the central hotels are too expensive, if there's good public transit outlying areas might be a possibility.
Like Salem! Heh. Well, I gotta check on room rates and stuff.
And may I throw an idea in? if we like a city but the central hotels are too expensive, if there's good public transit outlying areas might be a possibility.
This is why Harvard Square and parts of Somerville, etc. would work really well for the Boston area, 'cause they'd all be T-able.